NEET PART TEST - 2024 (CLASS-XI) Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties Thermodynamics Redox Reactions Gravitation Structural organization in animals (Zoology) 28-01-2024 04-02-2024 4 3 Excretory products and their elimination (Zoology) Kinetic Theory Added Experimental Skills: *Specific heat capacity of a given (i) solid and (ii) liquid by method of mixtures Oscillations Organic Chemistry - Some Basic Principles & Techniques MINOR TEST: (XI) - 5 PAPERS + (XII) - 5 PAPERS = 10 PAPERS MAJOR TEST: (XI) - 5 PAPERS + (XII) - 5 PAPERS = 10 PAPERS

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NEET TEST SERIES Starting Date 14-01-2024 

Thanks from Doctor's zone